You know what that means. Bring back all your overdue materials, you know, the stuff under the bed, the audio book that somehow ended up in your trunk, the dvd that got packed when you moved and we will waive all your fines. That’s right, no fines to pay, just the good feeling of ticking something off your end of the year to do list!

While you’re at it, you might want to return your materials on Saturday, December 19 around 1pm. The members of P.A.T.H. (Poets and Authors Trying Hard) are hosting a holiday poetry and music afternoon. Come and hear some great music and poems and get in the mood. We will also be drawing the winner of the Friends of the Library Holiday Raffle Basket. So, if you haven’t bought your ridiculously cheap tickets yet, hurry — you don’t want to miss it!

photo by bookgrl found on flickr.